Hey Sweetest Friends,
This weeks Torah portion teaches us all about how to make the Mishkan – an amazing physical space that could receive the Spirit of God, and which could be set up in any place that God indicated. Also, whenever it was time to move on, the Mishkan was made in such a way that it could easily be collapsed and taken on the road.
At first glance it is hard to understand why any of us need to know about how to make a Mishkan. That is, until you realize that maybe God is also teaching us how to order our own lives and our own “internal construction”.
We are all vessels that can receive the Spirit of HaShem. And life sometimes settles us down, and sometimes calls on us to make moves. Learning how to ‘architect’ our inner selves can enable us to move with the call of life, and to always find ourselves on positive footing.
Give a listen to this week’s shu-shine, and find a few tips on what we can learn about how to live like a human house of HaShem!
Sending everyone blessings to be strong on the inside, beautiful on the outside, and put our lives together in a way that allows us to always flow with the tides of life.
With Tons of Love,