Tonight we were graced with probably our finest guest on our strange program. Jessica Pawli is a woman who you have all heard on the radio but probably never realized it. Jessica is currently hosting a great talk show over on WPRK 91.5 here in Orlando and she kindly stops by to shoot the shit with the scumbags that inhabit the ohnoradioshow. Thankfully she can handle a glass of bourbon and gets excited by the ability to swear on a podcast. We talk a bit about Jessica's career and she sheds some interesting radio knowledge.
By the way, Duncan and Tom are still gone on paid administrative leave, so our good friend Etchie joins Owen and Ty to hold the fort down.
Tonight has some amazing clips and of course PRODUCTS brought to you by
Check out all the clips mentioned on the playlist HERE!!!
Otherwise, listen to the show and eat a bag of dicks.