Jn 8: 4-6 Jesus stoops down, met woman at her level: Not your fault.
Jn 7: 53- 8:2 Trap for Jesus: Pharisees losing prestige: Jesus must choose Grace or Moses law.
Stoop down, is act of Grace: action of church.
Stood up against Pharisees: people pushed down - need supporter: trap fell back on Pharisees.
"Festival of Shelters" rescue from Egypt. Jn 7: 37, 38, Matt 25:34-36
Jn 8: 8-11, God values people - value ourselves ; God values relationships & promises ; Laws for our good.. Lays a foundation of Grace.
Rom 8: 1-2. No condemnation: escaped from death; second chance: "men on Death Row, Java"
God's Will be done on Earth: In a Perfect World. there would be no discrimination.
Jauncy: Christians ... pioneer settlers in advance of kingdom: dispensing Grace.
Stand up to oppressors.......... Stand up for Oppressed.