Dr. Jerry Root and Dr. Diana Glyer were the keynote speakers for the 18th Annual Conference of the C.S. Lewis and Inklings Society (CSLIS) which is held at a different location each year. For 2015, it was at Grove City College (in PA) at the end of March. This is the first of a two-part episode that was moderated by William O'Flaherty. Here are the questions addressed for this segment:
- Tell us about your first encounter with the writings of C.S. Lewis...how old were you and what were your impressions?
- What daily habit would you recommend for those growing in their appreciation of literature and the literary arts?
- Owen Barfield, of the seven authors collection at the Wade Center is one of the least read and discussed..so, what works should a person begin with?
- I heard Jerry Root recommend Dymer (poetry book by Lewis); why do you and any thoughts on Spirits in Bondage?
- Would you suggest a reading schedule for a young scholar; and ideal and practical one?
- Where do we see Joy's influence and/or contributions in Till We Have Faces?
- Learn about the C.S. Lewis and Inklings Society (CSLIS)
- Listen to The Surprising Imagination of C.S. Lewis Interview
- Listen to "Not Quite Lewis" Talk
- Listen to Interview with Dr. Diana Glyer (about The Company They Keep)
- Visit EssentialCSLewis.com