Dr. Basem Abdelfattah, a partner physician with North American Spine that specializes in the AccuraScope Procedure, a minimally invasive approach to treating chronic back pain joins eHealth Radio and Pain Management & Spine Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Basem Abdelfattah discuss the following:
- Talk about what you specialize in and how that equates to the types of patients you treat at North American Spine.
- The AccuraScope Procedure is becoming an increasingly popular way to treat back pain. Explain how the AccuraScope Procedure works.
- How is the AccuraScope Procedure different from other minimally invasive procedures?
- After a patient has the AccuraScope Procedure, what can they expect in the days, weeks, and months afterwards?
- North American Spine does more than just treat back pain, they also help treat chronic neck pain as well. Talk a little bit about that.
Duration: 9:05
Dr. Basem Abdelfattah (Dr. Basem) is a fellowship-trained Pain Specialist with North American Spine in Dallas, Texas. His goal is to help patients alleviate their chronic back or neck pain, allowing them to live life more fully.
Just as every patient’s pain is different, the causes of pain vary, too. After thoroughly evaluating a patient’s symptoms leading to a diagnosis, Dr. Basem recommends the most effective options for treatment, including minimally invasive surgical procedures. He is committed to patient satisfaction, and patients and families have recognized Dr. Basem for his compassionate bedside manner and professionalism.
Dr. Basem is a partner physician with North American Spine. North American Spine specializes in the AccuraScope Procedure, a minimally invasive approach to treating chronic back pain. North American Spine™ is the exclusive provider of the AccuraScope® Procedure, a minimally invasive spine surgery—which typically lasts less than 45 minutes— to treat chronic back pain. To date, more than 8,000 AccuraScope procedures have been performed by board-certified physicians with specialty training. Medical research has shown that the AccuraScope procedure has an 82% success rate and saves patients an average of $23,190 in out-of-pocket costs over 5 years by reducing expenses including medical visits and medications.
North American Spine physicians are spine experts with specialty training in Orthopedic Spine Surgery, Neurosurgery, or Interventional Pain Management. Using tiny incisions and state-of-the-art visualization, these experts provide minimally invasive decompression and/or stabilization to patients using the least invasive means possible to alleviate their pain.
Website: www.northamericanspine.com