Today, Rachel and I are happy to have Rebecca Gordon, professor of Ethics in the Philosophy dept. at the University of San Francisco, as a guest on the podcast. Dr. Gordon is also a published author, who's recent article on corruption within the U.S. government/military industrial complex certainly caught our attention. She is also a former community organizer, social science research associate, criminal justice reform advocate, and philanthropic/social justice organizer in war-torn Nicaragua and Apartheid-era South Africa. In short, she's a progressive super bad-ass, and we are honored to discuss the current state of politics, trying to keep America from losing it's ethical foundation amidst the newest wave of terrorism paranoia, and how to get young people involved in the political process, among other prescient topics.
Required Reading for all IT listeners:
Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States
American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes
More on Dr. Gordon and some of her recent articles, via The Nation: