Tonights show is a bit of whammy. We start off flying by chatting about Owen and Zack's recent experiences with selling or trying to sell a car on craigslist, we then venture into a new segment we are calling "the craigslist corner" where we take a look at the depravity of craigslist postings from around the world. Its the first ohno vinyl night and we try to treat our live listeners to some soothing tones on break but lets just say, the internet is a fragile thing. For those of you trying to listen live, we had to learn the hard way its not good to knock your modem over. Anyway, Ty talks about banging a 60 year old whilst in his 20's, to which we are all ears, we discover the jam of the year "Ram It" and try to sell a god damn 1999 carolla. BUY IT.
Anyway the internet fucks us...We are sorry, we do some products and yeah you know the drill...
Eat a bag of dicks.
For all clips mentioned on tonights show, check out this youtube playlist