Unchained once again comes around, much like the man Johhny Cash once sang about. Neil poses the questions for Unchained's Aaron, Garri, Kevin and Ben this week, incuding such gems as ''Are games like Street Fighter V, Rainbow Six Seige and Star Wars Battlefront a case of quality over quantity? Or are they nothing more than paid betas? Awkward silences and uhms and ahhs follow this as the group try to recollect the worst stories seen in games. Then there's debate over what gaming trends need to go. You've probably guessed what some of them are already, but you can still come and nod in agreement.
Aaron Varshney
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Varshster
E-mail: aaron.varshney@psu.com
PSN: UK_Varsh
Ben Shillabeer-Hall
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chille_uk
E-mail: Ben.shillabeer-hall@psu.com
PSN: Chille
Neogaf: Chille
Garri Bagdasarov
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gaglaush
E-mail: Garri@psu.com
PSN: Gaglaush
Kevin Rombouts
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MrWaxWeazle
E-mail: kevin.rombouts@psu.com
PSN: kipkebab92
Neil Bolt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nezzko
E-mail: Neil.Bolt@psu.com
PSN: sonofvenom