These are important times in the history of our country. The decisions that we make today about who will lead our country will have a tremendous impact on the direction that we go. Will we move back to the values of God, or rush at an even faster pace toward the values of man? Will we choose a man or woman who has his own pride of accomplishments, and his own wisdom, to guide him, or will we choose a person who depends on the Word of God to guide his decisions? The Bible tells us that at the top of the list of things that God hates, is pride, for if a man is full of pride, then he will not turn to God for wisdom. If we choose a man full of pride, then we will fail as a country.
As believers, when we have difficult choices to make, we have a tremendous advantage over those who do not have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Master. The believer, open Bible in hand, has access to truth in more realms of human activity than all of the politicians, philosophers, educators, scientists, and gurus of the world have.
What politician has available to him a book that can foretell the future of the nations? It would be nice to have a politician that knew the Bible well enough that he knew the difference between 2 Corinthians and Second Corinthians. Someone who actually used the Bible to find the will of God for our country and not just as a prop that he held upside down in the picture.
What psychologist has at his fingertips an unerring guide to human behavior and to the law of sin and death, as we do in the Bible?
What philosopher has access to the mysteries that lie beyond the grave?
What reformer has access to power that can transform human personality and make drunken men sober, crooked men straight, and horribly sinful people pure?
When faced with a question, the humblest believer, open Bible in hand, has access to all such knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. The angels must marvel that so many of us act as though we were drunk rather than sober, that we are content to rely on this world's wisdom and remain in ignorance of God's Word or, knowing it, refuse to act upon it. The Word of God is to be our focus. It is to be read, studied, memorized, and applied to our lives.
The Bible should be the favorite book for every believer to be reading. It should be more important that watching TV, or looking at social media on the computer. In fact, you should be able to gauge how important the Bible is to you and your walk with Christ by how much time you spend reading and studying it as compared with the time you spend with other books, computers, or TV. If the Bible holds the bottom of the ranking, then your life will show that. Your witness will show that, and your family and friends are watching you. Your grandkids are watching you, the past saints are watching you, the angels are watching you, and God is watching you. Do you believe that? Do you really believe that all of these people, including the saints, the angels, and God are watching you?
In fact, someone once said that to many people of the world, you are the only Bible that they will ever read. If you are not reading and applying the Bible on a daily basis to your life, then they will not see God’s Word in you at all.
If you are looking for wisdom in choosing who will lead this country, the answer can be found in the Word of God. Listen to this podcast to understand the majesty of the Word of God.