This is one of the most terrifying and well known stories in the Bible.
We've been walking a path for weeks now that looks at Abraham's cycle of doubt and faith. It's been a remarkable roller coaster ride that's lasted YEARS. When the object of his greatest doubts is finally realized in the birth of a son at very advanced age, God has an interesting idea. By interesting I really mean completely horrifying. God calls Abraham to take his son to the top of a mountain and sacrifice him.
If this story doesn't deeply trouble you, then I would encourage you to let the reality of the request really sink in. God has ultimately delivered on his long ago promise to deliverAbraham a son who will ultimately lead to a great nation that God will bless. God then asks Abraham to personally ensure that his son is killed and offered up to Him as a sacrifice.
That's brutal! Can this God really be trusted? Are all the promises of blessing and favor from God all an elaborate setup that will lead to a greater suffering and agony?
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