This will be our 104th episode, and last week when we published our 100th episode I said that we'd have something special in store for you, and so here it is. Back in September of 2013 I preached my first cohesive sermon series, titled "The Five Objections of Moses." It was a pretty popular series, and it looked at Moses' encounter with God in the burning bush. Moses came up with five excuses why he could not carry out the mission that God gave him. Like Moses, we in the church often find reasons that we cannot do what God is calling us to do. By looking at these five objections, my hope and prayer is that you will have your own objections addressed, so that you may go forth as God is calling you. So without further ado we present the first of Moses' five objections, "Who am I," as if to say, "I am nobody, why would you choose me?" It's a common objection among believers throughout the Bible and throughout Christian history.
Recorded at Hudson UMC on September 1, 2013