How have we not done a re-run of this episode? Skippers Grant Baciocco and Chris Lamberth were the first Skips I had on the show who were from a different generation than I worked, and their coming on the show lined up Skips who would eventually give us some of our best interviews. This is sort of the "Patient Zero" of the TFJC podcast, and without this episode, we would have given up somewhere in Season 2. On top of that, these guys are incredibly wonderful people, and I am really happy to have gotten the chance to get to know them.
Things are still happy in Skipper-land. We are chugging along with our card game, and we keep working on lining up great guests for the rest of 2016. Keep sharing us with your Disney loving friends, as we have more Podcast Magic coming up in the following months.
Skipper Kyle