On today's episode we do a little Election Reflection now that Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee for president...what are Trump's prospects in the General? Are the Democrats up to the task to defeat him? Meanwhile, the Democratic primary is still going strong. Today is Primary day in West Virginia and it looks like Bernie Sanders may take the contest for the second week in a row. Meanwhile, the Hillary Clinton campaign backs off their decision to focus solely on the general election and vows to begin running ads in the remaining primary states to secure the nomination.
We also talk about the prospects for a progressive movement growing, Democrats toying with shooting themselves in the foot in this year's campaign, and an expansive FBI investigation into corruption with PA's legislature. All the gritty details expected to come out!
Just a little show note, we let today's episode run. Frankly, we just had too much to say to contain in 30 minutes. So, enjoy!