On this episode, Tom and I discuss... err... well... let' say we discuss some stuff.
The fact is, I recorded this a week ago, along with Episode 26... then I did beer school where Bender and I drank. A lot. Then I went on vacation, where I drank. Some. And now you're getting this a day late.
So get off my back already!
I do know that the #Topical6Pack had the following in it...
The rise and goodness of Justin Timberlake.
Guilty pleasure songs that all dudes know they love.
A #HalfAssedReview of the Captain America: Civil War.
Movies that always make you stop when channel surfing.
2016 candidate for world's biggest a-hole... George Zimmerman.
And I am pretty sure there was one more thing... it is a six pack after all. I guess you're just going to have to listen.
So I am going to go back to my vacation... possibly the beach... and you should download, listen, share. Then comment, like, and subscribe.
That is all,
Jeremy B.
The Random A** Host