So, last week we continued the theme of submitting to the ordinances of man in order that we might bring glory to God. We know that we are going to be persecuted unjustly. The secular world hates Christianity, and they will do everything they can to destroy us. They will tell horrible lies about us. To know this is true, you have only to look at the headlines of our own country. The democratic party, and its progressive agenda, is focused totally on removing God, those who worship Him, and His morals about what is right and wrong from the public square, and for the most part, they have succeeded by telling lies about us.
So why would God command us to obey the laws that these corrupt governments create?
Our submission is limited only by our adherence to God’s laws in priority over man’s law. But, we are to obey man’s law right up to the point that it violates God’s law, and that is difficult to understand why. It is, of course, contrary to our natural desire for justice and fairness. And believe me, nothing is more distasteful that being forced to obey the laws of the moral degenerates who are pushing their progressive agenda. But God says I must. I can and should fight for what is good and moral by God’s definitions, but I must do it within the law.
The key to understanding this seeming paradox is that we must remember that we are the ambassadors of the almighty God, and all of our words, our actions, and our fights, must bring glory to His name, or we have failed Him. Our mission is to change the spiritual hearts of people by introducing them to our Lord Jesus Christ, and let God take care of the rest. Revival can only occur when the heart is changed by God.
In our lesson today, Peter begins to give us an explanation for our submission.