Prodigals is a series focused on all of us who have been wayward- whether you have run away from God, are a long-time stalwart, or somewhere in between.
Week 2 into the relative unknown when we consider another prodigal son in Jesus' well-known parable. We consider the older bother and his prodigal nature. While he never ran away from home, sticking his father with the bill, the older brother had become as much of a prodigal as his younger sibling. He had bitterness and anger in his heart that bubbled to the surface when his brother returned. In a moment of raw emotion, he lashes out at his father for welcoming his brother back in the fold, demanding to know why he had been treated so poorly! The father, though, reminds the older brother that everything he had was his. He had not been mistreated. His outlook was all wrong!
The same is true for many within the church. We have our worldview all wrong and we need to remember that God is not looking for what we can do for him, he is just looking for us!