Brilliant advice to voice actors on how to stay on top of the trends.
and Stacey give another awesome Tip of the Week: Essential Elements of
Your Commercial Demo and share a viewer email from Jenny. Guest Beau
Weaver, voice of Superman and Mr. Fantastic, network promos, movie
trailers, commercials and narration endorses VO Buzz Weekly. He tells
about his obsession with radio and how his friendship with radio and
voice over veteran, Dave Sebastian Williams changed the course of his
life. Hear the story of Beau and two friends pioneering the concept of
voicing promos for local television stations and recording at home in
the early 1980’s which ultimately lead to his big break.
gives brilliant advice to aspiring voice actors, tells how he approached
getting in to the entertainment industry and handled rejection. He
discusses his approach to staying on top of the trends and the
importance of voice over coaching and continuing to perfect your skills
like a professional athlete. As a member of the Advisory Board of the
Don Lafontaine Voice Over Lab, Beau shares fond memories of Don
Lafontaine and the ways he inspired people. The episode closes with a
great story about techniques Beau learned for self-promotion and the
results he got from them.
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