This one is is big!
It's our first ever co-release episode with the boys of Drink MO Beer!
Andrew, Chris, Tom and I teamed up this past Saturday (August 6th, 2016) from Shamrocks Pub & Grill to bring you the #BeerGames of this year's St. Louis Craft Beer Week.
And like I said, it is big and it runs long... but that's because we're jam packed with the following guest:
Jake (@TheCivilLife) from the Civil Life, talking about Brown Ales and breaking exclusive news about their upcoming canning!
Of course Kyle, owner of Shamrocks (@ShamrocksGrill). He talks about surviving the lack of proper eye-ware when cleaning your lines.
Joe (@joehume74) from Cathedral Square Brewery sits down to break some news of his own... and talk about the great idea that was these beer games!
Then Brian... errr... Jason (@yeastwhisperer) of O'Fallon Brewery sits in and talks their Pumpkin Variety Pack and hits on some legal mumbo jumbo of Craft vs. Macro.
After all that, the lone survivors of Chris, myself, and last minute host Missy (aka. The Flop) close out the day with a quick recap of what we learned... just in time to eat my burger.
So download and listen to all... or just skip to your brewery of choice. But regardless, let us know what you think. And go follow our "sisters" at the Drink MO Beer podcast (@MOBeer365)!
Thanks and cheers!
Jeremy B.
A Random A** Host