What happens when you isolate an entire country, tell them they're a democracy, and then elect yourself as supreme leader and ruler? Guys and gals, you guessed it - we are digging into North Korean propaganda cartoons this week on the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast. We have had several people mention and suggest this style of cartoon and an article on Cracked.com helped us to narrow down the list of toons to cleanse our minds before we defect to North Korea. (just kidding, that will NEVER happen)
Will Sean get his fix from Rambo Frog? Will Dave don a lion's mane like wig and giant paws over his hands? Will the gang every be able to agree on a single title or moral from any of these episodes? Find out this week as Sean and Dave explore the Dennis Rodman style insanity of North Korean propaganda cartoons on the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast.
This week's episode is brought to you by "Addresses." Seriously, Dave! Why would you confirm your address with Sean? He's just gonna sent you weird stuff in the mail. Addresses - "you've got mail!"
Next week we continue to jump into our listener suggestion box on the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast.
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