The round table debate, which was open to the public, was held on 28 September 2016 in Montpellier, France. The panelists were AfricaRice Director General Harold Roy-Macauley, Jacqueline Rakotoarsoa, FOFIFA Research Director, Madagascar; Gaoussou Traoré, Coordinator of the National Rice Center, IER, Mali; and Fréderic Lançon, CIRAD Economist, France. The discussion was moderated by Safi Douhi, journalist from Biofutur, a leading magazine on biotechnology.
The round table was organized as a side event of the 14th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG 2016), hosted by French research organizations in Montpellier, France, 26-29 September 2016, which was attended by more than 300 participants from around the world, including a delegation from AfricaRice.