After a small hiatus @memthebeaner & @4thevillain finally roll the playing catchup, what did you do, what's good chat #StanLeeLosAngelesComicCon & finally start the show with: Wanna' know what we spoke about 100 Episodes ago? then rock some
#FootballTalk #NFL Wk9 predictions & #TheComicSyndicateFantasyFootballLeague then hit
#WTFnews : Youth league kicks out team after man plays in football game, Woman rams squad car while taking topless selfie and roll a new game?? #FillinTheBlank then go to
#ComicTalk #ComicNews : #Deadpool Director Drops from Pt2, #Defenders enlist Allies from #Daredevil #JessicaJones , #BrieLarson #CaptainMarvel to be #Marvel's strongest character, #TheFlash movie loses it's director, #AT&T buys #WarnerBros & closing thoughts on #WonderWoman trailer
Then rock some #ComicReviews :
#WonderWoman 009 #TeenTitansRebirth 001 #MsMarvel 012 #Triumphandtorment #Vision 012
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