@MemtheBeaner & @4thevillain play catch up on the weekend #WhatWeSpokeAbout 100 Episodes ago, hit #TwitterLove #ShoutOuts then roll into #NFL #FootballTalk Wk13 recap and Wk14 picks then go into
#WTFnews : Angry bodybuilder slaps judge when he comes in 2nd place, Girl-13 demands presents or says 'Santa will die and I'll cook his reindeer', along with some
#SexFacts : 16 Mom's confess the wildest places they've gotten frisky along with 'This simple breathing trick can give you better orgasms' then finally nail
#ComicTalk #ComicNews : #StarWarsRogueOne pre-sale, #Netflix #LukeCage moves forward with season 2, New #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #trailer , #FX #Legion debute date, New #MarvelVsCapcom & #Transformers games announced & New Ongoing #Iceman title talk then hit our
#ComicReviews as @MemtheBeaner carries the show with #DeadlyClass
#IvX #InhumansVXmen 000
#ExtraordinaryXmen 014
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