Ep. 181: The Movie Guys' Seventh Annual Holiday Special! Much like Itchy, Malia & Lumpy waited breathlessly for Chewbacca, The Movie Guys anxiously await the arrival of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Guests include The Phantom Editor Mike J. Nichols, who brings classic Star Wars outtakes and Luke Skywalker, who eventually gets an interview pried out of him. There are previews of Fences and 20th Century Women, a Holiday Negotiator stops by show how a movie like Why Him? can improve family dynamics during the holidays, there's a Life Day gift exchange, a Bantha rump cooking segment, Star Wars-themed Christmas carols and Adam tries in vein to explain the plot of Rogue One. Happy Life Day!
The Movie Guys are Paul Preston, Karen Volpe, Adam Witt & Bart Kias
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