Recorded Monday, August 1, 2016.
Moderator: Natalie K. Cooke, PhD, North Carolina State University
Speaker: Natalie K. Cooke, PhD, North Carolina State University; Karla Shelnutt, PhD, RD, University of Florida; Marissa Burgermaster, PhD, MAED, Columbia University Medical Center; Amanda Peterson, BS, RDN, East Carolina University; Virginia Carraway-Stage, PhD, RDN, LDN, East Carolina University
Those teaching nutrition in higher education settings are often asked to produce scholarship while balancing a heavy teaching load. The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) session provides nutrition educators in higher education the opportunity to learn about research-based next practices that can be used to evaluate and improve student-learning outcomes, while producing research suitable for peer-reviewed publication. The focus of this session is to share creative collaborative learning strategies being used in undergraduate and graduate nutrition courses across the nation with an emphasis on topics related to technology, writing, and critical thinking.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to describe the concept of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.Participants will be able to discuss creative approaches to collaborative learning in undergraduate/graduate nutrition courses with an emphasis on topics related to technology, writing, and critical thinking.Participants will be able to identify next practices that they may be interested in applying in their classrooms to improve student-learning outcomes.