What’s the highest level that you’ve competed at in a sport? What sport was it?
(3:12) Why does knowing that Christ has made us His own spur us on to make it (the resurrection life) our own?
(3:14) What does “the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” mean?
Why was Paul’s one thing to press on for the prize of the upward call (verse 14)? Why was his one thing not something else (for example reaching people for Jesus)?
As an individual, is your tendency to look ahead, or to look back? Share a little why you think this is?
How does God want us to deal with regret in our own life?
Paul describes the Christian life as a race. What are the rules for this race? How do we discover them?
Do you think most Christians today put as much determination into their Christian race as they do into their jobs? Their leisure activities? Explain.
Is there anything holding you back from being a person of one thing? Share with the group as honestly as you can, and pray for each other.