The sermon for Sunday, January 21, 2018, is based on Matthew John 1:43-51
Today's Focus: Jesus appears to call you to faith. It is in the Word that we hear the call of God that has in it the secret power of God to give what he commands. He commands: "Believe!" and the Word creates faith. He says, "Follow me!" and the Word creates the desire and the ability to follow him. That he should consider it glorious to call sinners such as us, is that not an amazing thing? That he should attach such a power to his Word that we answer the call, is that not a wonder that lasts an eternity for each of us?
Sermon given by Pastor Jon Bergemann
Trinity Lutheran Church is located in Woodbridge, VA, USA and is a member of the Wisconsdin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). If you would like more information about our congregation, please visit or