In this episode we sit down with David Lindahl, a friend and colleague that recently pivoted his career from a the financial sector to web development.
Segment 1 - Introduce Yourself
- Introductions and pathway to today
Segment 2 - Bootcamp
- You mentioned that Code Fellows, which is where you took your classes, prefers to call it more of a coding school, or coding academy. What differences are there between traditional boot camps and a course at Code Fellows?
- In general how was the experience?
- Would you recommend the coding academy route for developers starting in the industry in 2018?
- Would you say the connections you made during your time at Code Fellows has helped you finding work or been beneficial in any way so far?
- What are some of the frameworks you learned?
- What were some of the example projects you made?
Segment 3 - First month on the job
- How many interviews did you end up getting, and how many positions did you apply for?
- How did the interview process play out?
- What did you end up doing in your first week?
- Are you applying the skills you learned in your schooling to your daily work, if yes then how?
- How challenging has it been adapting to your new job, this being your first web development one?
Segment 4 - Comparisons of Class Training vs Self-Taught
We worked together on the very first steps of The Appex, where you were fresh out of the code academy, whereas I more or less self-taught frontend development to myself.
- What do you think about class training vs the self-taught mentality?
- How much have you had to self-teach yourself after working on projects outside of your schooling?
- I think you mentioned learning flexbox as an example?
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The Appex
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