#TheComicSyndicate Ep238 #OldSongNewDance? This week @4thevillain hits #WhatWeSpokeAbout 100 episodes ago and Deep Dives an old story and topic where he asks, What would you do?/ (What would you do then & Now???) Hits some brief #BulletPoints then rolls some
#ComicTalk #ComicNews : #Ghostbusters3 #Bumblebee #WoodyWoodPecker ? #TheWalkingDead live action #LionKing trailer, Rocket Raccoon/Groot series, #Netflix news, #Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., #CaptainMarvel #Disney #CaliforniaAdventure #DCcomics #DCEU #BirdsOfPrey title, #Supergirl casting then finally rocks some
#ComicReviews #Marvel #MarvelComics #CosmicGhostRider No.5(of 5) #donnycates #writer #dylanburnett #artist #antoniofabela #inks
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