RAISING OUR ENERGY IN THE NEW YEAR - Danielle Egnew & Sahara Devi - 2019.01.05 - Show #882
Track 1:
Introductions to Danielle Egnew and Sahara Devi
Start Track 2: 20:44
Track 2:
"Fear Consciousness"
Fear is contracting energy - not giving people to become themselves
If we live in "fear" - deteriorates our immune system
Call about suicides
Discussion on the weight of "hopelessness"
Questions about abortions
Start Track 3: 41:32
Track 3:
Talking about FREQUENCY
We all know that frequency exists, so now we are actually responsible from now on
Danielle explains frequency in her work
Quantum Physics has proven frequency
Discussion about energy - love and responsibility to handle frequency
Start Track 4: 1:01:27
Track 4:
Jacobus is all about helping customers "understand" that they can heal!
If you want LOVE - become it, then send it out!
What is love?
Call about a father with toddler son
Text about asking Danielle to share tools/steps towards raising your vibrations
Start Track 5: 1:24:19
Track 5:
Call about how to maintain balance when surrounded by negative persons
Sahara discusses "ignoring the negativity"
2019 is the year of reconstruction
Start Track 6: 1:43:43
Track 6:
When to engage in conversations or not to engage.
Being a "soundboard" versus being a "witness" to someone's processing our subconscious is our director
Old Wisdom:
Call about scientific evidence
This is the "time of transformation"
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