Weekly Podcast from Cornerstone Church, North Gower, Ontario.
The One Thing: Become a pirate for wisdom and wonder
The Scripture: Proverbs 2
growgroup questions (know)
- What are some of your favourite memes you’ve seen on the internet? (if you’re not sure what a meme is, google “funny clean memes”).
- What age do you think children should start having smart phones? What, if any, restrictions should they have?
growgroup questions (grow)
- Dan said “the treasure (we used to believe existed) gets buried under monthly bills. We exchange living for wonder for living for the weekend”. Is this a necessary part of growing up or is there a way to keep that childlike wonder?
- Read Proverbs 2:3-5. Read the action verbs – what words could describe the person outlined in these verses? What is their emotional state?
- It would seem that our Lord finds our passions not too strong, but too weak…We are far too easily pleased (CS Lewis).
- Do you agree with Lewis? Why or why not?
- Verse 5 and 9 are the promises God makes – you will know God, and you will know life. Verses 1-4 are the conditions for those promises (note the “if/then” language used). Why do you think God didn’t just make the promises in verses 5 and 9 unconditional?
- Wisdom enables us to avoid the dual enslavement of Public Peer Pressure (2:12-15) and the Seduction of Secret Sin (2:16-19). Which of the two is the greatest temptation for you? How can wisdom / Jesus help you in this battle?
- Dan and his mate Willy have used biblical principles to arrive at different conclusions regarding smartphone usage for their children. Does this make one right and the other wrong? Explain your answer.
growgroup questions (show)
- Verses like Hosea 3:4-5 and Proverbs 2:3 depict someone actually giving voice to what’s going on inside their hearts and minds. Why is talking to God out loud (not just in our head space) such an important part of the Christian life?
- Keep reading through the book of Proverbs, one chapter a day.