In 2003, Christopher Nolan was given the reigns to the Batman franchise and 2005’s Batman Begins was the result. Christian Bale was selected to be the dark knight, Michael Cane and Morgan Freeman were brought on board in major supporting roles, and the talented cast and crew set out to reinvent Batman to be grounded in reality, using plausible technology and ninjas. Whether intentional or not, the entire comic book movie genre would forever changed following Batman Begins, as all prior comic book movies tried very hard to emulate the comic style, colors, and costumes. Made for a whopping $150M, Batman Begins took in $375M in the box office, receiving rave critical reviews. This spawned two direct sequels with the same director and main cast before the questionable Justice League movies were made, and the recently announced reboot of the series and character again. But does the movie that started the genre reboot hold up? Listen as Jon, Colin and Brent revisit Gotham and see if Batman can hold it together after the murder of his parents (again) to take non-lethal vengeance on criminals, or if he spirals out of control into darkness to hang out with his pet bats while dressing up in an uncomfortable rubber suit and mumbles in the dark.
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