Is it real, or is it reality TV? Don’t confuse the two - they are not the same. That’s the subject two of the Guys get into this week. Real-ly. Jay has been an avid watcher of television food competition shows for the last ten years, and has even been involved in coordinating some local competitions.
Robbie has seen a couple of shows from the inside out; a son’s-eye view, you might say. So between them, they have a lot of … opinions. Meanwhile, Art was in the air on the way to remember the Alamo.
Despite being one geek short, they still showed up with Geeks of the Week. Jay was trying to look up a chef named Robert but Google had other plans, showing him the new graphic novel coming next spring featuring another Robert - Mueller, that is. Robbie shares a list of the most popular Pixar movies in each state, and you might just be surprised at how far Up the list a few of them made it.
The Mueller Report coming as a graphic novel.
Your State’s Most Beloved Pixar Movie in 2019.