From the July 7, 2019 Service.
A. Our world seems so scary/outofcontrol/unfixable.
1. I find peace/cour/hope n rehears G demos of power/wise/mercy
2. dav2: ps143 my enemy has pursued my soul crushing my life/making me dwell n darkness/wthn me my spir grows faint/dismayed but I reme the dys of old; I reflect on all ur deeds; I ponder the wks of ur hands
3. great ex is Gs dealings wth kg hez n 2kgs20. Who was kg hez?
a. 2nd 2 last good kg of SK(15th) *descendant of dav/300 later (700bc)
b. 25yrs old when started/reigned 29yrs *Isaiah was his proph/spir advis
c. 2kgs18 hez knew/loved G&led SK 2time of revival spir/military/econ
d. witnessed fall of NK 2 Assyia & now Assyia is prep 2 conq SK
e. time of setback/fear/bleak/discour/confusion/tension n who2trust??
4. 2kgs20 hez gets critically ill/askG4healing
a. G sends isa 2 tell hez he wont get well & 2prep2die. *no punish/anger
b. hez begs G 2 spare his life *hez has plans: heir2produce/Isr2protect
c. hez gets very upset/emph his yrs of faithfulness2G/?s Gs goodness
d. all hez has planned is now threatened/n jeopardy
e. G agrees & heals hez/add15yrs2 hez/deliver SK from Assyrian army
f. hez ask G 4 a sign 2 guar Gs prom: G makes sun go backward 1 hr
g. hez shows babylon the wealth of his kgdm/has son 3yrs later: manassa
B. 4 questions worth pondering from the life of hez n 2kgs20
1. wat sign must G give 2 prove his luv/wise/faithful/power/care4me?
a. rm8 if G sac his S 4 us wont he also wth him give us all things?
b. titus3 but when G our Sav revealed his kindness/luv2us, he saved us not4the good things weve done but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins/gave us a newbirth/newlife/poured his HS upon us.
2. how do I really view death? how will I respond when I face death?
a. B/history declares 0 disting Gs pep more clearly than how we c death.
b. do I c death like dav/paul?
1) ps16 no wonder my hart is glad & I rejoice 4my body rests n safety. 4 u wont leave my soul wth the dead/allow ur holy1 2rot n the grave. u will show me the way of life granting me the joy of ur pres & the pleasures of living wth u 4ever.
2) ps84 1day n ur courts is better than1000 elsewhere. Id rather b a gatekeeper n Gs house than live good life wth the wicked
3) phil1 4 me true life means living4C & dying is even better. But if I
live I can do more fruitful wk4C. I really dont know wats better. Im torn btwn 2 desires 4 I long 2b wth C which would b far better.
c. do I c death as J does? (main pt of the book of Rev/best 4 last)
1) is65 Im creating a new heaven/earth so glorious no1 will think about the old 1 ever again.
2) jn14 J has been preping a pl 4 us 4 2000yrs (creation took7dys)
d. lewis: we r 1/2harted creatures fooling about wth drink/sex/amb when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignor child who wants 2 cont making mud pies n a slum4he cant imag wat is meant by the offer of a holiday @the sea. Oh we r far 2 easily pleased.
3. is it poss Gs no/wait/stop now r express of his kindness/not meaness?
a. Is57 godly pep perish & no1grasp that they r taken away 2b spared from approaching evil.
b. death wasnt hez greatest tragedy/enemy, bab/manassa were.
c. hez greatest accomplishments were totally erased because of last 15yrs
d. how often do I c Gs no 2 my plans as evid of no luv when could b opp
4. am I training my mind 2 believe G only/always relates 2 me n ways that r good/kind/merciful/loving? *process/not a decision
a. ps136 give thanks2the L4he is good, his faithful luv endures 4ever.
give thanks2the G of gods, his faithful luv endures 4ever. Give thanks
2 the L of lords, his faithful luv endures 4ever.
b. eph2 (G is relating 2 us now) so G can point2us n all future ages as exs of the incred wealth of his grace/kindness 2ward us as shown n all he has done 4us who r united wth CJ
c. neh9 they refused2obey/remem the miracles u had done4them Nstead they bcame stubborn&appt a leader2take them back2their slavery n Egypt. But u r a G of 4giveness/grace/mer slow2 anger/rich n unfailing luv& u didnt abandon them.
C. Lords Supper/Prayer/Blessing/Announcements/Call 2 worship
1. LS: ps69 Answer my prayers OL 4 ur unfailing luv is glorious. Take care of me4ur mercy is so abundant
2. Prayer: prayer n back: Juarez trip/justin/linda/sandra’s husband
3. Bless: rm11 O the depth of the riches of the wisdom/knowledge of G! How unsearchable his judgments & his paths r beyond tracing out!
4. Announcements: SGs/Juarez/homeless bags/giving
5. Call2wors:ps27/30/33/34/42/50/51/95/100/105/122/135/136/jer33/is12