James takes your calls about the attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and all men. All of a sudden the left (the media) get negative and dismissive toward anger. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/H6vw4GEI52A
Call-in: 888-775-3773. Live Sunday 9am PT (11CT/12ET).
- The New Yorker: "Brett Kavanaugh and the Adolescent Aggression of Conservative Masculinity."
- Los Angeles Times: "Kavanaugh's angry testimony may have saved his nomination, but it also may have damaged his ability to be seen as impartial." (did they say this about Hillary's ability to be a sane Sec. of State or President: "What difference at this point does it make!"
- The New Yorker: "A Day of Rage in the Senate" (with picture of Lindsey Graham)
- Washington Post: "Red-Alert Crisis" as president defends Kavanaugh & laments #MeToo
- The Washington Post: "Kavanaugh sexual assault hearing tuns partisan as REPUBLICAN senators lash out at treatment of Supreme Court nominee." (That's rich.)
Speaking of emotion, CNN's Brook Baldwin teared up and cried for victims of sexual assault, according to Jezebel — which previously reported that she cried when someone said the N-word. LOL!
I also have a Twitter debate with a PhD about men and boys being under attack. Of course the guy ended up blocking me.
I want to touch on this Current Affairs editorial about Kavanaugh's supposedly serial lies, about how much he drank or whether he blacked out, about what a "Devil's Triangle" is (a sexual reference not a drinking game), whether he attended a small gathering like Ford described, and whether the others there said it didn't happen. The writer, Nathan J Robinson, wrote an anti-Trump book "Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity," about "how to create a Trumpless world" according to Amazon. He also supports the Me Too movement against men, which does not question women's role in their supposed "victimization." The writer's a beta male! Notedly someone commented that they treated Dr. Ford like a 10-year-old girl — she lied and got away with it, because no one called her out on her lies. She acted like this "assault" was the single thing that traumatized her. No. That's a complete lie.
I also have a hilariously melodramatic video I gotta share if MoveOn doesn't copystrike me:
(MoveOn) FACEBOOK VIDEO: Dr. Ford: You are Strong. We believe you.
1.3M Views · on Wednesday ·
#DearProfessorFord, you are strong. You are a survivor. And you are not alone. Millions of us have your back.
We call on Senators to demand a full, fair and trauma-informed investigation.
"Signed, your sisters." https://www.facebook.com/moveon/videos/1926455164136009/
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