James takes your calls about decent people like Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Owen Benjamin, and so many others (Vincent James of Red Elephants, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance) getting banned and censored on social media platforms and outlets like Google/YouTube, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Medium, etc. The people doing it are useful idiots and evil. Call-in: 888-775-3773. Live Sunday 9am PT (11CT/12ET).
JLP https://www.bitchute.com/jesseleepeterson/
TFS https://www.bitchute.com/thefallenstatetv/
BOND https://www.bitchute.com/rebuildingtheman/
Minds https://www.minds.com/jesseleepeterson/
Gab https://gab.ai/jesseleepeterson
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Real.Video https://www.real.video/channel/jesseleepeterson
BTW: BOND now has a Medium where we repost the blogs (Church & Men's Forum)
The big media companies issue false information and ideas that are far more destructive than anything InfoWars or the Alt-Right have put out. NBC/MSNBC just tried to get a member of the U.S. Coast Guard fired over the fake White Supremacist OK sign, when he was simply working! Earlier they did that to a mixed-race Jewish woman who works with Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The mainstream media including Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Medium support radical homosexuals, Black Lives Matter, radical feminists in Women's March, the Me Too movement which are all based in fake conspiracy theories about racism, sexism, homophobi-ism, etc. They push globalist socialism based on Climate Change hysteria. They also support illegal immigration. All kinds of crap that's destructive to America. And they try to silence us which only spreads anger and suspicion. Anyway...
James takes a call from Maze from Dayton, OH, who gets under his skin. She claimed that James is indoctrinating people to hate Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others. She asked what Farrakhan ever did to affect me personally. Many blacks are brainwashed to hate whites. She also says men don't have a right to tell women what to do with their body, meaning she supports abortion! She pretends it's just not her business, but she supports it.
Big Cal from Tennessee also calls in and tells about the Coast Guard guy who got in trouble for allegedly flashing the OK sign!
Giuseppe from Texas called in and told the story of comedian Norm Macdonald being glad to see the #MeToo movement calming down. They touched on names like Louis C.K., Harvey Weinstein, and others who've dealt with accusations. James touches on that one woman accused Brett Kavanaugh of raping her or something back in high school! Ridiculous! That was covered by Ronan Farrow. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) didn't do much with it at first. What are you supposed to do? SMH
Jesse urges everyone do the Silent Prayer consistently http://silentprayer.video | http://rebuildingtheman.com/church
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