VIDEO: James talks about the poison of people's minds and spirits with "knowledge." People think they know something, and then they can't come off of it. They become angry and arrogant in what they think they know. Nobody likes them anymore, except the people as obsessed as they are.
James gives examples from his own life. It's similar with white and black nationalists. Dylann Roof got mad and crazy with what he learned, and shot up a church. Christopher Cantwell knows a lot of stuff, but with the anger he's a little out-of-control, like all/most of us.
James brings up the movie The Equalizer 2 with Denzel Washington, promoting the book Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisis Coates, another guy who's a deceiver, pushes the "racism" lie, very knowledgeable, but evil.
Also it's Men's History Month coming up in August! (Or something?) James thinks it's a great idea from some of the listeners. August just feels manly — James jokes around about it. But it's when young guys go to work and become men.
Tim from Louisiana talks about how guys who get into the JQ stuff get obsessed with their knowledge, and all start to sound the same — it's like talking to a robot. He agrees about August as Men's History Month.
Max of Indiana is an Asian guy who believes that White History Month and Men's History Month are invalid because they're not minorities, and he thinks only minorities are oppressed. James explains whites are oppressed with fear and false guilt — they don't have freedom of speech, and their property and jobs will be taken from them if they tel the truth about other races.
James, Max, and Joel discuss the case of Donald Sterling who's Clippers basketball team was taken from him by the NBA over what Max calls "hate speech" about black guys, even though it was kinda true and he had the right to say it. Max seems to think it was right his team was taken from him.
James also mentions Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy who told the truth that blacks were better off in slavery than today — James agrees with out-of-wedlock births, abortion, black-on-black crime, lack of work ethic, etc. James wishes Max happy White History Month and Men's History Month, and but now Max has turned sour. I think he's the atheist 17-year-old or something. James and Max called each other brainwashed too.
Maze calls in to James and Joel — James gets annoyed and has to go. But she's the one who said, "Knowledge is power." She talks about "Caucasian History" but it's WHITE History! She mentions some name from history but won't say why the person is important!
Caller Joel (not to be confused with our Joel, different pronunciation) thinks blacks were better off under segregation, but not slavery — James disagrees! He brings up the fact though that the fall of man was eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Very good point!
Ebony from Austin, TX, I believe, talked about blacks, and about her upbringing, with parents who were into drugs, and now siblings — one of them is into calling whites Neanderthals as if that's useful knowledge! She's happy about Men's History Month for August because men in the black community need to step it up.
Dave of northern Missouri asks why Jesse supports Israel — James explains it's because Christians love Israel, that Israel is supposedly our ally, and that he's been there and seen firsthand the brightness of the Israelis vs. the darkness of the Palestinians or Muslims, who just blame Israelis for their problems like blacks blame whites. There is definitely a lot of immorality such as homosexuality in Tel Aviv, just as in America. Dave asks to read something, but James doesn't have time, even though Dave keeps trying and doesn't want to accept that the show's past-over, haha.
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