Religion & Spirituality:Spirituality
From the August 25, 2019 service.
Sermon notes below:
wat does it mean 2b rich 2ward G?
A. neh12-13 dedication of Jer wall. (still pondering neh) *I noticed 2 things:
1. when wall was done pep dedicated it wth pray/sac/choir/thanks/rybd
a. result: pep filled wth joy! not deny/absc of probs/much still ahead 2do
b. but joy from a confid G was wth them/@wk/commited2their good.
c. their joy even noticed by neighbors/0 more attract/impactful than joy
2. Gs pep read about a evil done by ammonites/moabites 1000yrs earlier
a. G said this was so evil it caused their permanent exclus from Gs fam
b. wat was so bad2merit such punish? deut23 didnt giv help2pep n need
3. G says serious/disastrous decis 2 ignore opports 2help the needy/suffer
4. G wants us2take seriously his sov choice 2 bless/entrust us wth abun/$
a. big deal 2 G we use his prov/abun 2help/bless pep who r hurting/need
b. 1tim6 tell pep who r rich n this life not2b arrog nor put their hope n $ which is so uncertain but2put their hope n G who richly prov all we need 2njoy life/tell them2do good/b rich n good deeds/b gener&share & they’ll lay up treasur4themselves as a firm found4the age 2 come.
c. lk12 from every1 who has been given much, much will b required.
B. B says G wants us 2 use the abun he gives us 2 make life better 4 others.
1. not some obscur idea n DS scrolls@vatican lib but key idea thru out B
a. pr11 generous pep prosper/pep who refresh others will b refreshed
b. pr14 those who help the needy honor G.
c. pr19 If u help the poor u r lending 2 the L & he will repay u!
d. pr21 pep who close ears2cries of poor will b ignor n own time of need
e. pr22 pep who generously feed the poor will exper lives of blessing.
f. pr28 pep who hep the poor lack 0 but pep who shut eyes2pov r cursed
g. ezek16 sodom’s sins were pride/gluttony/laziness while the poor/ needy suffered outside her door.
h. jm2 wat good is it if u say u have faith but dont show it n actions? Is that faith real? If u c a per w/o food/clothes & u say L bless u but u dont help them, wat good is that? Real faith prod good deeds.
i. 1jn3 if uve enough2live on&c a per n need but offer no help, how can Gs luv b n u? dont just say i luv u/show wats n ur hart by ur actions.
2. think about good sam/rich farmer/rich man/matt25: wats the real sin?
a. prob wasnt evil deeds. All good/law abid/hard wking/taxpay citizens
b. prob wasnt their succes/abun. just living4self/unwilling 2 help others
c. Paul n rm1-2 puts living4self @ top of his list of most serious sins.
3. few of us r given opport 2 change the world but all have opport/respon 2 ease pain/suffering & make life better 4 others. *no1 is exempt!
4. d day:gospel removes4ever our right2discrim btwn deserv/undeser poor
C. no greater enemy n my life than greed/cont trying2control/ruin my life.
1. 1tim6 luv of $ is a root of all kinds of evil. Some eager4$ have left the
faith&caused themselves much grief. So flee all this&pursue wats right
2. deut15 dont harden ur hart/close ur hand 2ur needy bro (treat as fam)
3. jm1 pure/real relig2G is caring4needy&refusing2let the world corrupt u
4. lk12 guard urself from all forms of greed 4 many posses wont giv u life
5. lk12 reveals wat a greedy person looks like/values!! ? is: am I greedy?
6. greed says? *I own all I have. “My farm/crops/barns/life”. my my my
*$ more val than rels (2 bros) *enough is never enough (more barns)
*increas always used2better my life (oppos of J: he limited self/phil2)
7. wat has G prov 2 help us fight such a powerful/subtle/relentless enemy?
a. generosity: as humbling self defeats pride so generosity defeats greed
b. pr21 godly luv 2giv ps37 godly r gener givers/cont giv gener2others
c. 2cor9 Gs able2bless u abun so that n all things@all xs having all u need ull abound n every good wk. As its written: they freely shared their gifts wth the poor & their righteousness endures 4ever.
8. lk12 lif ends wasted/terrible4pep who stor up $ but r not rich2ward G
9. u can go 2 financial advisor & answer some ?s & determine if u r rich.
10. am I rich 2ward G? lets ask HS 2 help us reflect on these questions:
a. do I giv compass2needy/hurting pep? *will J 1day say: thanku matt25
b. am I embracing the opports G puts b4 me2 care4peps needs/suffering?
c. is my primary focus/passion enlarging my barns or Gs kgdm?
d. as my $ has increased, has my commit2helping others increased2?
e. is my confid/security in the G of all prov or n my resources/reserves?
f. r pep n my life convin rels/Gs kgdm r more val than my $/pleasures?
g. will I dare ask G 2give me new hart 2ward my $ & how I c/use it?
D. Lords Supper/Prayer/Blessing/Announcements/Call 2 worship
1. LS: 2cor8 though C was rich he made himself poor 2 make us rich
2. Prayer: prayer n back: couples coming 2 mar confer 2nite
3. Bless: is58 help the needy/homeless/oppressed/dont look away &
ur sal/healing will com quickly/ur godliness&Gsglory will lead/prot u & when u call, the L will quickly answer &ur life will b full of lite & G will cont guide/refresh/restor u &ull b like a abun garden/spring & ull b known as a rebuilder/restorer of cities/walls/homes.
4. Announcements: mar confer/small groups/wed nites
5. Call2wors:ps27/30/33/34/42/50/51/95/100/105/122/135/136/jer33/is12
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