Willing Vessel – is a teaching about what it means to become a willing vessel of Christ Jesus. We all come out of the world, which has shaped us into an unwilling vessel, unusable by God. We chased our own ways, plans, and beliefs. The Lord through his power, strength, and authority calls us and then he breaks and mold us into a new creation, like clay, into a useful vessel for God. Through Christ Jesus you and I can be made into a willing and holy vessel of God, established in the Lord. If we remain an unwilling vessel, though the Lord has called us, we will be unchangeable, disobedient, and prideful and we teach others to be the same. But if we allow the Lord to examine us, to see reveal what makes us so unwilling to obey, unwilling to be led by the Lord, unwilling to give our lives to God. Then through the loving, kind, and sturdy hand of God, we are transformed from an unwilling vessel to a willing vessel. This process will take time, patience, and endurance on our part to receive all the Lord wants to change about us. It takes time to prepare and reshape us, time to remove the old, the bad, and replace it with the good God intended. We need to be made over, shaped and molded into a useful vessel for God, useful for his purpose and will.