In 1996, Cameron Crowe followed wrote and directed Jerry Maguire, his second movie following his angsty teen phase that included writing Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Wild Life, and Say Anything. Jerry Maguire stars Tom Cruise as...Jerry Maguire. A super sports agent who develops a conscience and puts his thoughts in a manifesto that gets him released from his big firm, which further challenges his relationship with his fiance. Striking out on his own, his passion draws in Dorothy (Rene Zellweger), a single mother with a passion of her own...for Jerry. Jerry walks away with two clients, Cush, played by Jerry O'Connell, is an up and coming star quarterback, and Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a receiver for the Arizona Cardinals who has more attitude than brains. Jerry tries his best to manage his business, relationships with Dorothy and her son, sister, and baby sitter, and the neverending ego's of professional athletes while he attempts to live his best life by his own rules...well, actually the rules of Dickie Fox, his Vince Lombardi looking mentor. Made for $50M, Jerry Maguire went on to make $273M and was nominated for five academy awards, winning one for best-supporting actor Gooding Jr. But does it hold up? Listen as Jon, Colin and Brent try and show each other the money and see if Jerry's journey through life is worth signing to a long term contract, or if this movie is better put on waivers or outright released to the free-agent pool of movies that should retire from the business.
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