Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #936 SUN, MAR 08 (03-08-2020):
The new website is The previous sites have been hacked so please visit for announcements, seminar details and special reports.
#1- Avoiding errors and other invaluable tips when setting up your home security system and cameras in Latin America(or anywhere)- PART 3:
How many security cameras do you need? What the hell are 4k cameras and why you need them. What's the difference between the two main security camera body styles (bullet and turret) and which is best and most practical for your application?
#2- Is having a “Plan B” (or “C”) in Europe, specifically Portugal, a viable idea? After all, Portugal always shows up on the “usual suspect” top 10 retirement destinations:
#3- If you’ve ever had a custom tailored “made to order” suit, dress or tuxedo, it probably cost you a grand or more:
It’s very costly so few people in the states do it anymore. However, when living south of south of the border, one can have custom made and tailored items for not much more than the price of an everyday “off the rack” Sears or Walmart suit. Custom made cloths are the theme of today’s “boots on the ground “story.
#4- Be sure to pick up my new and revised, "LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT":
The new edition for 2020 (and beyond) is available now, including the latest "Stem Cell" info and data and my top picks for the best treatment centers for expats and gringos. Just go to and click on the "Latin American Healthcare Report”.