Weekly Podcast from Cornerstone Church, North Gower, Ontario.
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Luke 19-24 (SOAP Focus Luke 19:37-42)
The One Thing
The sound of hard rock worship
Growgroup questions
Take time to allow each person in the growgroup (split off into smaller groups if the group is too large) to share one of their SOAP passages this week:
- S: what SPECIFIC Bible verse stood out to me?
- O: general OBSERVATION. What is the Bible passage saying?
- A: APPLICATION. How do I apply this to my life?
- P: PRAYER: Write a 1 or 2 sentence prayer, telling God what’s most on my heart and mind today.
Additional questions (if needed) about the Sunday message passage.
- K1 In what ways does nature help you experience God or deepen your walk with Him?
- G1 Luke 18:39 Why did the Pharisees tell Jesus to rebuke His disciples? Think about what had just happened, what was happening…where they were…who was around.
- G2 What did Jesus mean when He said “if they keep quiet the stones will cry out?”
- G3 The word for “cry” in “the stones will cry out” in Greek is “krazo”. Most times its used it refers to someone crying out in fear or pleading or anger or need. How does this impact how we read Luke 19:40?
- G3 Nature isn’t sentient (it cannot think or choose). So how can it “praise God”? (Psalm 19:1-4). Can an unbeliever praise God without knowing? Explain your answer.
- G4 Does the emotion or feeling in Luke 19:41 impact the atmosphere of the verses before? What do you think Jesus’ emotional state was during this whole time?
- G5 Dan said “In the very moment that the stones have taken on the very human characteristics of speech, of worship, of righteous anger, it’s in that moment that the people have taken on the characteristics of the stones (“hardness of heart”). According to Ezekiel 36:24-28 what is the cure for a hard heart?
- S1 Plead with God to show you where you have allowed your heart to become calloused and hard. Use Ezekiel 36:24-28 as a prayer and give God your permission to do a heart transplant on you. If you do this, share with Dan or someone you trust this important news.