Weekly Podcast from Cornerstone Church, North Gower, Ontario.
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As you’re reading the Bible this week, ask the following questions:
- S: what SPECIFIC Bible verse stood out to me?
- O: general OBSERVATION. What is the Bible passage saying?
- A: APPLICATION. How do I apply this to my life?
- P: PRAYER: Write a 1 or 2 sentence prayer, telling God what’s most on my heart and mind today.
Discussion questions / personal growth questions about Sunday’s message.
- How is God revealing Himself to you during Covid-19? Think of the unexpected blessings this time brings to you. Thank God for them.
- Read Hebrew 6:7-8 - What kind of land are you? What kind of fruit are you growing?
- Read Hebrews 6:12 - who are you following? Does this relationship enhance your relationship with Christ? If so, how?
- Read Hebrews 6:4-5 – What do these blessings mean: being enlightened, tasting the heavenly gift, sharing in the Holy Spirit, tasting the goodness of God and experiencing the powers of the coming age? Tell a story or think of a time you experienced one or a couple of these blessings. How are you experiencing them now?
- Read Hebrews 6:19 - What does it look like for you to spend time in the Holy of Holies, in God's presence?
- If you have an idea how we can foster community as a church during this time, please let Dan or Stacey know.
- Step out in faith. This week, make a commitment to share the love of Christ with someone in your life, either
- through offering to pick up their groceries
- buying a small gift for your neighbor
- boldly sharing the reason for the hope that is within you
- or some other way