There we were, calmly recording our regularly scheduled episodes during our pandemic-imposed quiet, including a couple on holy communion for later this spring... when a good old-fashioned theological controversy erupted under our feet. We weigh in on the question of whether holy communion can be consecrated via the internet (spoiler alert: no) and why we think so; but we also lift up the great things that can be done to foster and uplift the Christian community by digital means during this time of distancing and eucharistic fasting. Just in time for Maundy Thursday 2020!
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1. Dad's statement, "Why Virtual Communion Is Not Nearly Radical Enough"
2. Yeago, "Word, Sacrament, and Quarantine"
3. Lange, "Digital Worship and Sacramental Life in a Time of Pandemic" on the Lutheran World Federation website
4. Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration 7
5. Kleinhans, Schroeder, and Peterson, "Concerning Online Communion"
6. Thompson, "Christ Is Really Present Virtually: A Proposal for Virtual Communion." See also her book The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World
7. Jorgenson, "Corona and Communion"
8. If you aren't already deluged with online options for worship and sermons, you can check out my YouTube sermon channel
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