Let's not pretend the economy is in it's tip top state atm.
In fact, it's pretty fu*ked.
As a small business owner myself, I am doing 5 important things to keep business booming and to keep myself in the frequency of abundance.
This episode if a MUST if you are a coach, consultant or small business owner.
Here are various other things I want to bring your attention to...
I am LIVE EVERY MORNING at 7.30am for the foreseeable future in my FREE Facebook group, That Crazy Thing Called Life. I am there to help you with your mindset in this uncertain time. I am there to help you if you're feeling lonely or scared or weirded out. Every day I'm sharing mindset tips, meditations, breathing exercises and a whole heap of other things. You are not in this alone. Join here --> http://www.emilychadbourne.com/TCTCL-march-2020
WAKE UP WITH EM! Join here http://www.emilychadbourne.com/wakeup/
Follow me on Insta emily_thatcrazythingcalledlife
Want to know more about how I help women change their lives and manifest different results? Head here! http://www.emilychadbourne.com/tctcl-course/
Email me info@emilychadbourne.com