When you hear about a facelift, favorable reactions are not always met. It's no secret that actors and actresses throughout the years have given this popular procedure a bad name. Although facelifts have remained trendy, we have noted a significant change in what patients expect as results. No longer do clients come in seeking to change their entire look. The new facelift is all about maintaining your facial characteristics while making slight adjustments to the various aspects you'd like altered.
When you come into New Jersey's top plastic surgery center here in Cherry Hill, NJ, a pillar of our foundation is making sure your results are exactly what you expect. Too often, we hear from our fantastic clients that a complete facelift would alter their appearance too much. We're excited to share with you all just how far this procedure has come!
Completely changing someone's appearance isn't what facelifts are about now. With the correct techniques involving minimally-invasive surgeries, we have the ability to improve specific aspects of your facial features.