Discovering Your Why Episode 21
If Your Why doesn’t make you cry —
it’s not your Why
Coach Hite
Many years ago, I was working for a company doing a job that I loved. I enjoyed going to work everyday, but still I felt unsatisfied, like something was missing.
A friend of mine invited me to a Tony Robbin’s, two-day seminar. And yes — it was the one with the fire walk — and yes, I did it!
I remember watching Tony as he invited individuals up on stage and in a matter of minutes they would have an epiphany about their passion. Joy and excitement would overwhelm them - so much so they would cry — both men and women!
I had just discovered the why that made me cry!
I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to help others find their passion, so they could live the life they dreamed about.
Every person should know his or her why.
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