You can control your feelings if you control your thoughts and if you control your thoughts you can also control your final outcome in life!
We have been taught that we are what we eat and although there is some truth to that I am here to tell you that you are what you THINK!
*There are two solid differences between successful and unsuccessful people... they think differently and they have a different kind of attitude.
Some of my favorite quotes on thinking
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” - Henry Ford
“whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report, if there is any virtue and if there’s anything praiseworthy; think of these things” - Paul the Apostle (you have the ability to choose your thoughts)
A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.- Mohandas K. Gandhi
Ralph Waldo Emerson “Life consists of what a man thinks all day” – Everything begins with a thought
20 positives are destroyed by one negative
Our words and thoughts are directly connected in our frontal lobe.This brain area controls the higher functions of the human mind, such as memory, mood, general thinking, language production, personality, and consciousness.
What you believe about yourself today will truly influence your life and give it direction.Many have been pre-programmed with lies regarding their past regarding: poverty, disease, divorce, death, beliefs, culture.
a) Our thoughts determine our destiny. Our destiny determines our legacy. – James Allen (you are today what you thought yesterday and you will be tomorrow what you thought today.)
b) People who go to the top think differently than others. – William Arthur Ward (nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking)
Change is a choice and its within you
1. Evaluate your present attitudes
2. Ask yourself “is my faith stronger than my fears”?
3. Find your purpose in life and write it down.
4. Determine if you have the desire to change.
5. Live one day at a time.
6. Change you thought patterns. 7. Develop good habits.
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