This week we welcome multiple special guests to the MattCave and this leads to a double whammy for you! . The Reverend Damn Davies has promised to drag along his partner in crime from "Sally Chancer" Andy (Joey) Kennedy but is running late so Jay V Gravy from GenerationILL steps into the hot seat in the meantime. Matt complains about a recent sporting events Canadian advertising and once again says something outlandish. They pass the time discussing, A website with seemingly limitless possibilities that promise a potentially entertaining outcome. Mr. Kennedy requests help from you, the listener in an item he's desperate to find for purchase online. We are proud to introduce "Cindy", a working girl who is just looking to meet the right guy and Milad, a middle eastern who is just looking for a good time but just when the story is getting good we pull the oldest trick in the book with a "To Be Continued". But fear not dear listener, the conclusion is now available on iTunes!
Be sure to download part two!
Also available on iTunes!
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