What is the Purpose Gathering Collective?
The Collective is a Monthly Mastermind Community for Service Based Mompreneurs.
A a mastermind community is a term that I created to combine a traditional group coaching program (a.k.a mastermind) with a membership community model to form a mastermind community.
Unlike a traditional mastermind with a start and end date, The PG Collective offers ongoing monthly support for as long as you need it.
What is Included?
- Education: You will have access to 2 workshop style masterclasses every month. Each month we’ll have a theme. (ex. January’s theme will be all about goal setting) One class will be geared towards how the theme relates to your personal life and the other as it relates to your business. One masterclass will be taught by me and then the other will be taught by an industry expert, so we can really pour into each area of your life.
- Coaching: Several time throughout the month I will offer live group coaching calls with me where you can hop on and ask any questions and get real time feedback on anything you’re struggling with, to share any promotions you’re launching or anything else that I can specifically help you with. I will also be giving weekly video tips and strategies
- Accountability: You will have 5-6 mamas per group and you will get to dive deeper with your accountability group. There will be two accountability group chats every single month, where you will have time to cultivate friendships and further implement the strategies that you learn in each masterclass.
- Members Only Community: You will have access to the entire community (not on Facebook) to be able to ask questions, get feedback, and also participate in hot seats. When you’re in the hot seat, you will be able to ask specific questions and then other members get to chime in and answer and give you feedback and help you find clarity.
- Direct messaging capabilities + Member Directory: You can interact with other community members and have access to a member community directory where you can search for specific services that you might be looking for or interested in.
- Member Led Trainings: Members will also have the opportunity to lead trainings, and this is a perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to gain practice and teach others in a safe space.
- Virtual Community Building Events: There will also be several virtual community building events as well, so that you can join those and get to know more people even outside of your accountability group. We all learn so much from different perspectives and so we really want to give you the opportunity to make connections and meet new friends.
Join The Purpose Gathering Collective: thepurposegathering.com/collective
Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/thepurposegathering